Allensmore NDP progresses to Regulation 16 Consultation

Following the approval of the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan by the Allensmore Parish Council at their last meeting on 19th September, the plan has now been submitted to Herefordshire Council for the final (Regulation 16) Consultation, examination and (eventual) referendum..Thank you to everyone who has helped and contributed during the lengthy process to get to this stage!

We have received the following acknowledgement back from Herefordshire Council:

Allensmore Parish Council have submitted their Regulation 16 Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) to Herefordshire Council for consultation.

The plan, along with accompanying documents can be viewed at:

Once adopted, this NDP will become a Statutory Development Plan Document the same as the Core Strategy.

The consultation runs from 7 October 2019 to 18 November 2019.

Nick Chapman

Chair Allensmore NDP Steering Group