On Sunday February 6th, Her Majesty the Queen celebrates 70 years since she acceded to the throne. Whilst the main celebrations are planned for June, many church towers across the country will be ringing their bells on the actual Accession Day anniversary.
Allensmore bellringers will join this celebration and will be ringing between 10:30 and 11:00 on Sunday February 6th. But we would also like to share the event with the Allensmore community. So please come along to St Andrews church and watch us ringing; there will also be a camera on the bells so you will be able to see what happens up in the tower as we pull the ropes!
Visitors will also have an opportunity to join in towards the end of the session. With the bells in a “safe” position and under the supervision of an experienced ringer, you will be welcome to have a go at pulling on a rope and chiming a bell. Everybody that rings will be added to the list of Allensmore ringers for the day and be logged on the central bellringers’ website. After the June Bank Holiday weekend, details of the ringing that took place for both the Accession Day and over the Jubilee Weekend will be collated and presented to Her Majesty with the grateful thanks of the bellringing community for her unique service to the nation and Commonwealth.
See you there!
Nick Chapman