Allensmore Neighbourhood Development plan
The steering group membership may be found here.
Current status December 2019
The plan has successfully completed the Regulations 16 stage and moved into the examination phase.
Please see the Regulation 16 stage and the Examination phase sections for more details.
Current status October 2019
The plan has now been submitted to Herefordshire Council for the final consultation which takes place from 7th October until 18th November (known as Regulation 16 stage). The plan and associated documents can be found here.
Current status July 2019
Regulation 14 consultation is now complete. The feedback and steering group response to the feedback, including minor revisions to the draft plan can be found in the NDP reg 14 section.
Preparation is now underway for the Regulation 16 stage.
Current Status May 2019
The draft document has now been prepared for the Regulation 14 Consultation stage which will run from 27th May until 12th July 2019.
Please provide your views. See Regulation 14 Stage.
Current status 3rd April 2019
The preferred options consultation is now complete - see here for more details
We are preparing for the next stage, Regulation 14 which will formally start in a few weeks following assessments by the Neighbourhood development team at Herefordshire council - see here for more details and the latest copy of the draft plan.
Current Status Jan 2019
Consultation on Preferred Options document is underway until 31st January 2019
See Preferred Options consultation
There have been canges to steering group membership - see current membership here.
Status October 2018
Aecom have visited the parish and assessed the 23 sites submitted following the call for sites. Their report is available here. This report will be considered at the NDP steering group meeting on 15th October 2018 at which a decision will be made on whether to accept the report.
Status (June 2018)
Call for sites: A further 5 sites have been submitted for assessment following the initial 18 received. The advice from our consultants is that since the assessment process has not yet started, we can accept these. We have now received confirmation that our application for the 23 sites to be independently reviewed by Aecom has been accepted. For more details, including a revised map, please see here.
Status May 2018
Allensmore parish Council has concluded its call for sites. For more details including a map showing the 18 sites submitted, see here.
The next steps are for these sites to be technically assessed by an independent body, Aecom. We have applied for this process and are expecting confirmation and a schedule imminently (as of 25th May 2018).
The output of these assessments, together with a revised version of the Issues and options document (revised to take on board the feedback from the consultation) will be used to form a draft of the NDP plan called the preferred options plan.
We will be asking for feedback on that document during another major consultation planned for this summer.
At the meeting on 21st May 2018, the Steering Group adopted a privacy policy in line with the Parish Council's data protection policies. This may be found here.
Summary and status
Allensmore parish Council decided to proceed to create a Neighbourhood Development plan at the meeting on 23rd March 2017.
A steering group was established to enable the plan to be developed. see below for the membership and terms of reference.
On 26th May 2017, Herefordshire Council approved the designation of the Allensmore Neighbourhood area as described in the decision document. This area comprises all within the Allensmore parish boundary except that part of Poplar Road which has been designated within the Clehonger plan area. See here for a map of the designated area.
A launch event was held on 29th July 2017 in the Village Hall.
A draft issues and options document has been prepared ( see here) and a consultation held between 9th January and 11th February. For more details and the results of the consultation, see issues and options section
The issues and options document and the results of the consultation are currently being used to develop a draft preferred options plan which will be published in the next couple of months for further consultation.
A "Call for Sites" has been announced by the steering group on 10th March 2018. This invites residents and landowners who have any potential sites they would consider for development to submit an application - see here for more details. This will be widely publicised and, after independent technical assessment, will feed into the draft preferred options plan.
The consultation on the issues and options document is now closed.
For more information and the results of the consultation go to the issues and options section.
Previous events and activities
Go to the Issues and options section for information and the results of the consultation on the Issues and Options document.
The steering group is holding a launch event on Saturday 29th July 2017 from 10am until 3pm.
Please drop in to find out more about the NDP such as what it is, what it achieves and how we all agree its contents prior to a referendum which gives everyone in the community the opportunity to vote for or against it.
For more details see here.
Having received positive encouragement from a number of residents, Allensmore Parish Council decided at the meeting on 23rd March 2017 to proceed with an NDP and have established a steering group for this purpose.
All points in the proposal (see here) were supported by the parish council, including the Terms of Reference of the steering group.
The membership of the steering group is as follows:
(Note added later - the membership below was correct at the time but has changed -see here for current membership)
Nick Chapman - chair
Tim Hancox - vice chair
Sally Lawrence - minutes
Tony Cramp - Finance
Jeremy Lawrence
Merle Hancox
Yvonne Chapman
Michael Owens
To contact the steering group, please email
On 26th May 2017, Herefordshire Council approved the designation of the Allensmore Neighbourhood area under Regulation 7 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) regulations 2012 as described in the decision document. This area comprises all within the Allensmore parish boundary except that part of Poplar Road which has been designated within the Clehonger plan area.
Please see the Herefordshire Council website here for more details.
NDP steering group meetings
These meetings are open to everyone to observe and provide an opportunity for people to voice their views or ask questions.
See NDP meetings for full details (time, location, agenda, minutes) of past and future meetings of the steering group.
What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan and why do it?
Herefordshire Council has produced and adopted a core
strategy which describes the planning policies for the county until the year 2031
and it is against this set of policies that planning applications are
The core strategy and other documents describe in broad
detail what will be done and how, but do not provide all the local details -
this is where Neighbourhood Development Plans come in.
For example, the core strategy sets out that in rural areas
such as the parish of Allensmore, there will be a growth of around 14% of
housing over the term of the plan. Given the number of approvals already
granted, this equates to around 15 new houses between now and 2031. However,
the core strategy doesn’t specify the areas of the parish where these houses can
be built, nor what sort of housing it would be.
An NDP would ask for the views of people living here and
could specify settlement areas in the parish to define where this development
could and could not take place. It could also express views on what type of
housing (e.g. size, style, built in clusters or single premises etc.) is
preferred. Once adopted, the NDP has legal status and its contents must be
taken into account when planning applications are considered. In other words,
it gives us, this community, more control about the developments that will
happen here over the next 15 years or so.
It is important to note that an NDP cannot contradict the
core strategy nor be used to prevent development, but it adds more detail such
as where and what sort of developments are permitted and what they should look
like – based on what the community decides it wants.
The NDP can include topics such as settlement boundaries
(areas in the parish outside of which new housing developments will not be
permitted), allocation of sites for housing and/or employment, the design of
buildings (style, size, materials, eco standards, affordability etc.) and
protection of open spaces or important
building and their surroundings.
See Herefordshire council's website for much more detailed information.
What does it take to do one of these plans, and what happens
if we don’t?
There are currently around 100 of these NDP plans in various
stages of development around the county (just a very few completed so far).
Grants are available to the Parish Council which should be sufficient to cover
the costs, and by having an adopted plan the parish would receive a little more
income from the Community Infrastructure Levy than it would otherwise receive.
If the Parish Council doesn’t choose to go this route, then
with limited consultation, Herefordshire Council will produce a Rural Site
Allocation Plan which would define the settlement boundaries and allocate
possible sites on our behalf.
There is no doubt that producing an NDP requires a
considerable amount of work and is not a quick process, typically taking 18 - 30
months. Once the plan is developed and approved by Herefordshire Council and an
external inspector, there will be a referendum of the people in the area to
determine if it is adopted.
What can I do?
In order to undertake this, the Parish Council would need
considerable help from the community, particularly from two or three volunteers
who would be prepared to take a major role in helping to steer the project and
develop the plan. The Parish Council is also keen to know if the community
backs this work and are prepared to provide their views and opinions via
consultation events or a survey.
Please let us know if you think this is a worthwhile
endeavour and if you support the idea, by emailing . Also, please use the same email address to let us know if you would
consider being one of the volunteers to help lead or work on the project.
Allensmore Parish Council
November 2016