The Development plan progressed to the examination stage on 27th November 2019, as described here.
We received a number of questions from the examiner on 22nd February 2020. There were eight questions in all which were mainly clarifications and requests for up-to-date information on planning applications, commitments and completions. The Steering Group discussed the responses to the questions via email and phone, and submitted a document of responses to Herefordshire Council on 26th February for them to supplement a couple of answers and provide the most recent maps of planning applications, commitments and completions. The answers submitted to the examiner are here.
The final examiner’s report was received on 23rd March 2020. The report is very positive and she generally suggests changes that either clarify and/or strengthen our policies. The full report is here.
Herefordshire Council considered each of the recommendations made in the examiner’s report and the reasons for them and have decided to accept the modifications to the draft plan. Following the modifications made, the Allensmore Plan will meet the basic statutory conditions and Herefordshire Council recommend the Allensmore Neighbourhood Development Plan pregress to referendum. Herefordshire Council’s formal decision document is here.