Parish councils are statutory bodies established under the Local Government act 1972. For Allensmore there are seven councillors who were elected in May 2019 and will serve until the next election in 2023. They are supported by a clerk who takes care of the administration for the council.
The councillors represent the residents and electors in the parish and they do this by being available to everyone in the parish to discuss and help on issues of concern. See the Parish Council membership for more information.
Matters relevant to the parish are discussed and decisions made at regular Parish Council meetings (typically every other month) at which the public are welcome to attend. The planned dates for future meetings and the minutes of past meeting are available here. Agendas are published at least seven days ahead of each meeting.
Each meeting includes an “open” session for members of the public to raise any matter for discussion.
For information about the Parish Council accounts, see the Accounts section.
For details of data protection policies and related matters adopted by the Council, see Data Protection policies.