NDP Preferred Options Consultation – Jan 2019


We would like your views on our Preferred Options document for the Allensmore Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).

This document has been prepared by the NDP steering group made up of local residents and parish councillors with the help of Kirkwells consultants and is nearing the final version of the plan.

It sets out the key planning issues identified so far from the launch event in July 2017 and the consultation held in January 2018.

The document

The full document can be viewed or downloaded here and for convenience the draft vision, objectives and policies can be found below.
Printed copies are available to view at St Andrews Church, the village hall and the community library in the former Cobhall Common phone box.

A few printed copies are also available to borrow on request from NDP Steering Group members.

Please take some time to obtain and read the full document; your feedback will help us move forward and produce the final plan for Allensmore.

How to respond

To help you provide your feedback, we have prepared the response forms to be used as you read the main document.

Copies are being delivered to all houses in the Allensmore NDP area. Comments from every individual are encouraged (on separate forms please) and will be very welcome.

We especially welcome comments from any younger residents as we have no school, scouts, guides etc we can consult with.
These response forms are also available here as a word document, that you can edit and email to NDP@allensmore.org.uk, or as a pdf document that you can print, write on, scan and email to the same address.

Drop in event on 21st January 2019

Copies of the main document will also be available for reading at the open drop-in event on Monday 21st January 2019 any time between 7pm and 9pm at the village hall.

Please come along and give us your thoughts and ideas if you would like to discuss anything in person.

You can also give or post your completed response form or written comments to any Steering Group member or drop them into the comments box at St Andrews Church and the community library in the former Cobhall Common phone box.

Please return all comments by 31st January 2019

Draft vision, Objectives:

The following have been extracted from the full document:

Draft vision:

To protect and enhance the parish’s rural character through gradual evolution and appropriate development, which improves the quality of life for current and future generations of residents by creating a sustainable environment, enhancing wellbeing and promoting community cohesion.

Draft objectives

To develop policies, within the framework of Herefordshire’s Core Strategy, which ensure that new housing development preserves and enhances aspects that people value, while meeting the current and future needs of both residents and businesses.
To ensure that all housing and business development preserves the character of the parish and protects the landscape, so that its impact on the environment is minimised, with particular reference to water, sewage and soil management, as well as energy and water conservation.
To encourage new business initiatives which promote the economic well-being of the parish provided that they are in scale with, and sensitive to, the rural character of the locality and any adverse impact is minimal.
To sustain and enhance existing community facilities whilst supporting investment in safe


Thank you to everyone who responded. A report on the results is available here. These comments and feedback provided have been considered by the steering group and a number of changes have been made to the plan as a consequence. The comments and the detailed responses are shown here.